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What was the challenge?

Allen & Overy wanted to sponsor an arts-based learning programme that engaged a diverse community of young people to think about identity.


What did we do?

We created Artbeat, a learning programme that used art to explore the concept of personal stories and histories and how they shape who we are and how we see the world. 

During a 12 month programme of experiential workshops, Year 9 students from Bethnal Green Academy explored the theme of personal stories and histories from a number of different perspectives. The students had an opportunity to engage first-hand with how artists use materials to tell their stories through excursions to galleries and inspiring artist-led workshops.

In the final three weeks, the students recorded a visual diary of their lives using a disposable camera, and then used these photographs as source material to inspire their own self-directed final works. An exhibition of the students’ work was housed at the A&O offices in London.

For many of the students, this programme provided them their first opportunity to step foot into an art gallery, and they were inspired to engage with art and culture in a new way. For some of these London teenagers, it was even their first experience of seeing the River Thames.