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Job Design Lab


What is the challenge?

We are all entering a period of huge uncertainty in the workplace. Developments in areas such as artificial intelligence, the green economy and organisational design are resulting in a fundamental shift to the way we will work. Many businesses say they feel unprepared for the future of work. This creates mounting anxiety and questions within the workforce and leads to stress that is bad for engagement, health and wellbeing, attrition and productivity. 

Most people want to embrace change and explore opportunities to work in new ways but few feel well informed about what the future might hold. Fewer still have opportunities for creative conversations about what the future could look like and how they might situate themselves in it.

Change and uncertainty are not going away, so workforces need to be enabled to manage uncertainty by acting together. Our response to this need is the creation of the Job Design Lab - a unique learning programme that leaves the workforce better prepared for managing this period of uncertainty and change.


What is the Job Design Lab?

The Job Design Lab (JDL) is a transformative programme that readies teams for the future of work, converting anxiety into optimism by instilling a proactive mindset in participants and leaving them prepared to embrace new skills and ways of working.

The programme consists of four half-day facilitated workshops, where we use immersive and creative approaches to help teams step into the future together to better understand emerging future work trends and opportunities, and to bring actionable suggestions back into their current work.  

The Job Design Lab isn't about predicting the future; it’s about proactively shaping it to your advantage.

Designed to work across different levels and departments, from leadership and HR teams to frontline workers, teams leave JDL with a sense of shared optimism, looking forward to setting off on a journey into a future they want to be a part of.


What does the Job Design Lab provide?

  • Expert insight into emerging future work trends, skills and competencies 

  • A chance to learn about and try out new technologies 

  • A safe and neutral space allowing for conversations often too difficult to have within the workplace, hosted by skilled facilitators 

  • A way to bridge the gaps between front line workers, HR and leadership, generating valuable insights for employers on emerging concerns and opportunities

  • Employee exposure to creative methods that help develop valuable future work skills relevant to all industries - such as collaborative working, flexibility and problem-solving.

  • Connection with other organisations addressing similar questions


What benefits does JDL deliver?

Taking part in JDL results in a workforce that is better prepared for a period of uncertainty and change. 

At an individual level it helps people mitigate the stress they might be feeling about the future by giving them useful information and tools to help them think about and prepare for new opportunities and possible transitions. 

At an organisational level the programme helps leaders and teams  come up  with future pathways to inform workforce strategies. Working together to shape the future means teams are not demotivated by fear, making them engaged to go along on the journey with you.  It also indicates to employees that you care about workforce wellbeing and being a good employer.

At a systems wide level JDL provides a forum and framework for employers, local governments, civic institutions and citizens to feed into new future work opportunities and transition pathways.


Job Design Lab is created in partnership between The Liminal Space and social innovation consultancy ALT/NOW, who work with people that want to change entire systems. The programme is backed by charitable funders Impact on Urban Health, who address health inequalities in cities, and the National Lottery Community Fund.

To learn more about the Job Design Lab and how we can help your company get on the front foot by illuminating the trajectories of change, please get in touch.